STAB awards will recognise ISVs who deliver innovative solutions that solve real world problems and create value for customers and continue to drive innovation the industry.
G7 CR Technologies is partnered with Microsoft to accelerate ISV’s success and enable them to unlock new sales and go-to-market channels. With complete access to 4M monthly active users and 1 billion Microsoft customers, including 95% of the Fortune 500, independent software vendors can scale revenue through the commercial marketplace. Also, manage to reduce agency fees from an industry-standard 20% to 3%.
Time | Session |
12:00 noon | Registration & networking |
12:30 - 1:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM | Panel Discussion on Unleashing the Next age of Growth SME growth through technology
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM | Panel Discussion on ‘Microsoft Partnerships, Leveraging Microsoft Marketplace for Driving Sustainable Digital
Innovation and Key Role of ISVs as Technology Enabler’
3:00 PM Onwards | SUCCESSPRENEUR Awards & STAB ISV Awards |
Followed by tea |