10 business ideas that are low cost and risk free business ideas that promises a quick break even and high RoI.
Low Cost Business Ideas
- Low Investment business ideas are the sweet spot for investors, first time business buyers and safe players. Here are some of the business ideas that are low cost and risk free business ideas that promises a quick break even and high RoI.
- 1.Preschool & Daycare – The lowest investment ranging from Rs.5to 10 lac, minimum area requisite to start a good pre-school and a day care is between 1000 to 3000sq.ft. It has a quick breakeven of 12 to 18 months and good RoI.
- 2.Flourist Shop – A florist Shop another low cost business opportunity which involves an investment of Rs.7-9 lac and can be opened in an area of 200-300 sq.ft. India has a huge market as far as traditional flower industry is concerned. With changing taste and lifestyle trends cut flowers industry has also picked up fairly well in the country. The fact that we don’t see a flower shop at every turn of the road indicated towards the immense potential that this segment has. Wedding seasons, round the year festivals and American events such as Valentine’s Day, Friendship Day are some of the reasons that makes this business a viable option.
- 3. Nail Art – Nail Art kiosks have become very popular these days. With rising awareness about grooming and well being among the youth, this segment has immense business potential. The kiosks require not more than 70-150 sq.ft of space with an initial investment of Rs.8-10 lakh
- 4.Shoe Mending and Laundry services – An incredibly fresh concept in the service industry, Shoe mending and laundry services are much in demand.With a modest initial investment of Rs.5-7 lakh and an area of 250-400 sq.ft, this business has a quick breakeven of 6-10 months with a 100% ROI.
- 5.Food Kiosks – A food kiosk is the most potent business opportunity in a young food loving nation like India. After the country has enjoyed the international brands like KFC, Pizza Hut and Dominos, it is time for the Indian street food to get its share in the sun. Off late, brands like Goli, Bittu Tikkiwala, Joost, The Original Shawarma are proving to be crowd pullers through the kiosk formats. Depending upon the brand and location, these kiosks requires an initial investment ranging from Rs.8-12 lakh in an area of 200-250 sq.ft.
- 6.Flower Shops – A flower Shop requires an investment between 5-7 lakh on an area between 200-350 sq.ft. It has a quick breakeven of 8-10 months and RoI between 25-40%
- 7.Pet Care - The rising trend of pet humanisation, backed by the higher disposable incomes of Indian consumers, will further boost growth in pet care. The working couples need some safe and hygienic place for their pets when they go out for work. A pet care can be started with an initial investment of Rs.8-10 lakh depending on the infrastructural facilities.
- 8.Organic Store – The rising demand for organic food makes organic food store a viable business to invest in. It requires an investment of rs.10-15 lakh on an area of 500-700 sq.ft.
- 9.Car Detailing – With the rise in the demand for cars, upwardly moving lifestyle and time crunch, car washing and detailing segment is getting into demand. This business requires an investment of Rs.9-10 lakhs on an area of 750-100 sq.ft.
- 10.Laundry Business - Again an industry that has been shaped by the changing lifestyle and mindset of the young urban working class population for whom washing clothes is a hassle, organized laundry market size in India is around Rs. 5,200 Crore as per a KPMG study and is growing at a rate of more than 30% per annum. The investment required for this is somewhere around Rs.15 to 20 Lac with an area requisite of 500-600 sq.ft. It has a very high ROI with a quick breakeven of 3-6 month
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