After giving tough competition leading males Bollywood, legendry actor Anil Kapoor is giving cut-throat competition to gorgeous divas like Priyanka Chopra, Sonakshi Sinha and more. The heartthrob of 90s era has been signed by FMCG major Dabur to promote its new product Ratnaprash.
Backed by the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda and prepared after extensive research, Dabur Ratnaprash is a health supplement for adults. The product is formulated with natural ingredients like Moti (pearl ), Kesar (saffron), Musali (alternative to viagra), Brahmi (Bacopa herb) and Amla (Indian Gooseberry).
The brand has roped in Kapoor, who is considered as an ageless actor of Indian cinema, to convey the message that Dabur Ratnaprash helps rebuild strength, stamina, vigour, vitality and energy that's drained by the stress of day-to-day living
Talking about the new launch, Ajay Parihar, Category Head-Health Supplements, Dabur India Ltd said, “We are all leading life in the fast lane today and constantly juggling our highly demanding professional and personal lives, which is taking a toll on our vigour and vitality. In this fast-paced life, it is extremely important to not just boost your immunity, but also regain the youth and vigour to feel refreshed and say goodbye to your day’s worries and lethargy. Dabur Ratnaprash is that miracle aid from nature that gives the energy & stamina to keep you going all day long."
"It has been designed specially to give the power of youth to those who feel that the stress of day-to-day living leaves them drained of energy and they no longer have the energy and stamina of their youth. So, it's time to feel Young with Dabur Ratnaprash,” Parihar added further.
Available at leading retail and signature outlets, Dabur Ratnaprash available in priced between Rs 285 to Rs 550.