Augmont Gold, an Indian platform that deals in gold, announced the launch of a new 24 karat "Limited-edition Coin" minted by the India Government Mint (IGM). IGM is a part of the Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India (SPMCIL) that comprises divisions with a long and illustrious history of managing the nation's security printing and minting. It started with the minting of coins at the Calcutta Mint in the 18th Century. This new coin launch demonstrates Augmont Gold’s vision to preserve the legacy of Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
This limited-edition coin is dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron Man of India in honour of his commitment and drive, and the iron mind to take up challenges. The obverse side of the coin is engraved with the "Statue of Unity" and the reverse side contains the logo of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. This 24 Karat Gold coin comes with 99.9 percent purity and weighs 7.5 grams in tamper-proof blister packaging. The coin is accompanied by a scroll on the Preamble of the Constitution of India and a book depicting 75 glorious years of India. This book is a thoughtfully curated compendium that celebrates 75 defining moments and iconic metaphors of India post its independence. The design of the book is a brown beige textured style, with a splash of Indian colour, to symbolize colorful India. The natural theme represents national icons like the tiger, lotus, and banyan tree. All these elements come in a premium box with magnetic closure titled," Moments and Metaphors". The coin is now available on the website of Augmont Gold and cost INR 50 thousand inclusive of taxes.
Director of Augmont Gold Ketan Kothari, while the launch event said that his company envisions glittering a billion lives through the power of gold. They want to make gold a life enabler for all their stakeholders. He also mentioned that the coin has an elegant, minimal, premium, and truly Indian design and hence a perfect souvenir for all those who love India.