AYUSH Ministry gives Ayurveda industry a much-needed insurance push

AYUSH Ministry gives Ayurveda industry a much-needed insurance push

AYUSH Ministry gives Ayurveda industry a much-needed insurance push
The ministry has issued tentative list of diseases or disease conditions needing hospitalization of the patients, indicative therapies and likely duration of hospitalization.

The Union Ayush Ministry has issued guidelines for insurance coverage to ayurvedic treatment and settlement of claims on the basis of benchmark rates of various therapies and interventions. The benchmark rates recommended in the guidelines will be revised in every three years, if required.

These guidelines are the outcome of proper consultation with all the stakeholders including the representatives of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), Ayurvedic Hospitals Associations and the insurance companies.

As per the notification, 20 disease conditions needing hospitalisation of patients and indicative therapies have become eligible for insurance coverage. The coverage will be applicable only to Ayurveda hospitals described eligible in the notification.

Under the guidelines, the ministry has issued tentative list of diseases or disease conditions needing hospitalization of the patients, indicative therapies and likely duration of hospitalization.

The guidelines have also laid down indicated therapies required as per the condition of patient; likely duration of hospitalization; and also the benchmark rates of therapies/interventions for calculating treatment expenditure to settle insurance claims.

Read the full guidelines issued by the Ministry of AYUSH Here.

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