Location is a viable aspect for the success of any business. One need to consider many factors before fixating on a particular location such as footfall, visibility etc. Finding that one perfect location which complies with all the necessary factors is an arduous task, but one such location is Airport.
An airport is the most coveted business location, as it generates big sales numbers and also promotes the brand to millions of potential customers. According to statistics, approximately 88 million travellers walk through the busiest airport in the world every year. It is a general rule that most of the travellers arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure and 86% of them eat, drink, and shop in airport terminals before flights.
Hence, Airports makes the best business location as it can provide your brand with the required exposure for standing tall in this competitive market. If you are considering starting a business at the Airport, consider these points first.
Customer Portfolio
Airports have thousands of people walking past your restaurant each and every day, giving you new impressions, and new potential customers all the time. But, one should always keep in mind that unlike other retail stores, airport businesses receive customers of various nationalities, demographics, social status etc. Make sure your business offers something for everyone. It should provide services or products relevant to almost every customer.
Choosing Layout
Give the advantages, locations at airports are highly sought after. So, brands must adapt to fit the locations and spaces available. Choosing a smart layout will help you maximize your business and get the most out of airline passengers.
For instance, you could opt for Kiosks, as they are becoming increasingly popular at airports. Not only do they cater to hurrying passengers, but they also stand out among a sea of vendors. You will be able to easily attract your customer’s attention as they walk by. Another benefit of Kiosks is that it requires less capital investment.
Long & Tedious
As rewarding as it may seem, starting a business at an airport requires a huge commitment. Firstly, it is comparatively difficult to set up a business at the airport than at any other location. Registration and paperwork can take up years.
Another essential thing to consider is that, even if you have experience selling on the street, the airport is a whole new world because of the hours of operation. You have to be open 365 days a year and you don’t get your weekends off.