Today, maintaining the skin you are born with is probably too tough a task to manage, considering your busy schedule, the ever increasing pollution in every aspect of life (air, water, food) which eventually dampens not only your internal hygiene, but it also shows up on your external appearance. Skin, one of the most important aspects of personal beauty and how you present yourself, is very sensitive to pollution, UV rays from the sun, and the constant wear and tear of today’s life.
So what do you do to help your already troubled and deteriorating skin? You run to artificial technologies and allopathic pharmacies, surgeries and methods which probably promise a lot, but fall short of the expectations they produce in your brain. Herbal products or giving ayurveda a try in this aspect of your life has paid dividends for millions worldwide. In fact herbal products have become so popular in today’s skincare industry, multimillionaire corporations and popular names can be seen on the TV and almost every sort of media, especially in India Media. So which are the few companies that have gained popularity among the Indian audience?
Himalaya Herbals
Established and started in 1930, this reputed Indian company has become one of the most popular names when it comes to ‘herbal skin care products’. Also, it has a few decades short of a century worth of experience! The specialty of this company is that it features a huge variety of products, and all of them are claimed to be completely natural and safe. Their reliability on ayurvedic and reliable Himalayan herbs and post-modern research and technology brings a perfect blend to each and every one of their products. Its headquarters are located in Bangalore, India and it has an outreaching global presence in 92 countries (including the United States, and several European and Middle East countries). In the year 2015, it got almost more than half of its revenue from its sales in foreign countries; that’s how incredible the growth has been outside India.
A few other companies in the same sector of herbal products such as Dabur, Patanjali, Vicco et al provide stiff competition to the corporation especially in the rural portions of the country.
Lotus Herbals
Lotus Herbals are more associated with cosmetics and beauty treatments than providing daily natural products; like Himalaya does. It is one of the most reputed cosmetic brands in India. Its herbal line of cosmetics not only works as effectively as the artificial made, but comes packed with the goodness of natural ingredients too. It is also an ISO 9001 company, which tries to incorporate long-term results as quickly as possible. The corporation started out as a venture in 1993 under Dr. Kamal Passi and met with quick success ever since. Their insistence on addressing Vedic medicine to produce their beauty products is what leads to their success. Ever since beginning, Lotus Herbals have been internationally available in 16 different countries. But since 2005, they decided to forsake their venture into overseas markets and concentrate only on the domestic front. Another company in this sector is Biotique (also reputed to be one of the best herbal cosmetics brand).
Khadi Natural
One of the most simplistic herbal product companies in the market right now is Khadi Natural. Most of their products are available on just a click of a mouse, as they highly practice online sale of their products. The company offers you plethora of products and items to choose from, and puts your concerns (regarding disingenuity) to rest as soon as you start using their products. The corporation also employs a large number of villagers making their lives a lot easier. In fact Khadi has now even gained global popularity as their products and goods are available on international websites such as A similar company in this sector is Vaadi Herbals.
In spite of having gained its popularity in recent times, VLCC products speak centuries of workmanship and quality. It offers beauty products ranging from hair to skin and from being affordable to being the best. It especially takes notice of the sun damage the skin encounters in today’s day and age. It offers high SPF sunscreens and lotions to protect your precious skin from the harsh rays.
So why even try for artificial false-promising beauty and skin treatments, when these companies are so transparent with the ingredient usage and showing you the results that you really need.