Following an exceptionally successful year, amidst 8 months of re-branding, Blackberrys plans to significantly increase its long-term guidance in 2019. In April 2018, the company revealed its new face to the world after 27 years of its inception. In 2019, Blackberrys intends to strongly accelerate its retail presence and sales growth as part of its long-term strategic business plan.
Blackberrys is currently present across 350 cities in India and operates more than 260 exclusive brand outlets and 700-plus multi-brand outlets. In 2018, Blackberrys has added 50 new doors to its retail footprint and is confident of adding up to 50 more in the current financial year.
In the New Year, the company will continue bolstering marketing programs both in-store and through online and offline media. The company has earmarked a marketing budget of Rs 55 crores for the current financial year.
Nikhil Mohan, Founder Director at Blackberrys, said, "Our 2018 results and our positive outlook for 2019 are proof that our strategy is paying off. Company’s growth, grounded in deep acceptance of our brand, led by the product quality, innovation and service, is remarkably healthy. The new development model implemented across has paved the way for increased value creation along with profitable, sustained and consistent organic growth. We are expecting an accelerated growth in the coming years with a strong focus on developing newer wardrobe propositions and our retail presence across the country."
Nitin Mohan, Co-founder Director at Blackberrys, added, "We are committed to developing an ownership and entrepreneurial brand culture at employee level as it’s pivotal for the company in achieving its long-term objectives. As part of the accelerated growth plan, Blackberrys is focusing its HR initiatives on talent development and performance management. The company plans to launch its new office very soon in Gurgaon, reflecting the collaborative work culture and with a young & fresh look and feel."