Burgerman launched its first kiosk in Bengaluru. Actor Kiran Shriniwas and Shanti of Enable India along with the CEO of Burgerman, Sunil Cherian did the honours of introducing a new burger to the youth of Bengaluru.
Cherian said, “It has been a great experience for Burgerman in Chennai since last year. We started with one kiosk and today we are at 50 kiosks which are running successfully. We further plan to go to Hyderabad with 35 kiosks. We do have ambitious plans and want a homegrown burger brand - Burgerman to be every Indian's first preference when they think of Burgers."
Burgerman will start operations with 25 kiosks across prominent locations in Bengaluru from December 11th 2009. Burgerman has also started an institute called ‘Indian Institute of Kiosk Management’ and this institute helps differently abled people to take up entrepreneurship, with a six month diploma at IIKM. For this they have tied up with Enable India. BurgerMan Foods India Private Limited (BMFIPL) is a newly started Private Limited Company with a plan to enter Food and Beverage business on a pan India basis.