While EVs are being promoted on a large scale through a variety of appealing schemes and policies, there are a few factors impeding the success of these campaigns. Among all of the challenges faced by the EV industry, the most prominently reported problems are low mileage of the vehicles, higher costs, lack of service centers, unawareness about maintenance and servicing, unclear policies, supply chain problems, and insufficient charging stations.
These problems can be broadly divided into two parts: physical attributes and lack of awareness.
While the physical attributes cannot be changed by common people, the provided features can be utilized in the best way possible.
Again, this sums up the lack of awareness that then further leads to the improper utilization of the available physical resources.
Speaking about lack of awareness, any problem associated with this can be simply solved by joining communities and groups that involve people with similar interests.
Government portals are the best way to learn about the policies associated with the EV industry and to understand it even better in detail, one can always refer to the help available online.
Supply chain problems can be handled by the interference of governments with the concerned authorities.
There can be further strong government provisions and rules that would prevent such mishaps from repeating.
More government intervention would also mean increased awareness as people are directly connected to the government and look up to them for such things.
Another problem is the inadequate quantity of charging stations. A part of this problem can be solved if people are aware of the myths and reality about charging stations’ business.
There should be a proper understanding of the physical resources and the legal formalities that are involved while setting up a proper EV charging station.
This would encourage more people to take the action to install EV charging points and stations without hesitating, increasing the overall percentage of EV charging stations.
What’s the solution? Know your vehicle!
Most of the problems would be solved if people knew well enough about their vehicles and understand how they can be optimized for reaching the max of their potential. Range anxiety solutions have already begun to emerge on the market. People in India are interested in discussing the future of EVs because it has a significant impact on their judgements.
There are numerous charging options that could become available in the future to help popularise EVs, such as fairly frequent fast charging stations, with the goal of creating a series of charging infrastructures within cities.
There are numerous charging solution variations on the market, including solar-powered charging, EV power banks, wireless charging, and so on.
Some of the emerging ideas in the EV industries include Solar Powered Charging Stations, which convert parking venues into charging points and stations and charging via street light poles.
This would then help in maintaining the EVs hassle-free and efficiently.
In conclusion, even though there are many challenges being faced by EV users and enthusiasts, there is a solution to all of them in some way possible.
Most of these solutions are associated with relevant awareness and the flow of the EV knowledge cycle.
Understand your vehicle well, keep up with the news and EV community channels, pay close attention to the latest policies and advertisements, and actively participate in EV events and you are halfway through the challenges already!
(Writer is Chief Growth Officer of TelioEV- Electric Vehicles (EV))