Located at Adyar area of Chennai, retail shop Smiling Baby has launched Home Delivery services recently. The Delivery services would initially include localities at Adyar, Besant Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, IIT Madras Campus, Kotturpuram, Mylapore and other nearby areas of the city.
Customers who order between a dedicated time will receive the products the same day within a set timeframe of 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Those who order other than dedicated time frame would receive delivery of the product in the following day. Customers can order their requirements over the phone and payment can be made during delivery.
Significantly, as an inaugural offer, the store is offering a FLAT 10 per cent discount on products like diapers and baby wipes, baby cosmetics such as powders, lotions and creams.
Speaking on the launch of the Home Delivery service, S Shriram, Founder of Smiling Baby said, “We are five months old in the business and have received tremendous love and appreciation from our customers. Many of them have been asking about Home Delivery service and we have taken their feedback seriously. We believe our same day delivery would be patronized well by our customers. Initially we plan to cover a 10 sq km area from our shop at Adyar and based on feedback and response, we will start delivery across the city of Chennai shortly.”
Spread in over 1600 Sq Ft, the store is home to over 2,000 products to choose from among 50 plus national and international brands.
The consumers can place Home Delivery order for upto Rs 750.