d’mart Exclusif, Delhi based Dolphin Mart’s home décor and gifting brand is looking at expansion across India by opening 35 new stores. The company plans to invest around Rs 20 crore and is expecting a turnover of Rs 80 crore. The aim is to have a mix of franchise stores, flagship stores and boutique stores.
The company expects to open stores in and around high-street areas and then in malls. An exclusive franchise of d’mart Exclusif would range from Rs 1 to 2 crore and the space required will be a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft. For non-exclusive franchises and shop-in-shop formats, 500-1,200 sq. ft of area with Rs 20-30 lakh of investment would be needed.
Dolphin Mart is the importer and distributor of premium signature art and decor pieces including silverware, crystal ware, limited edition collectibles, objects d’art, figurines, furniture accessories and gifts items, selected and sourced from international brands in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, UK, and China. The company claims that d’mart Exclusif is the sole product distributor for such premium brands in India as per an agreement. At present d’mart Exclusif has 2 flagship stores, 15 franchise stores and one kiosk at Mumbai airport. In addition, they have franchisees in Dubai and USA that contribute 25 per cent of their overall sales.