Following the great success on Day I of Franchise India 2011, Day II begins, with immense fervor. The first session for Day II has Technology 2.0 as the topic for discussion. The panelists for the session included Nitin Kaushal, Regional Director, SAP, Puneet Kumar Bhatia, Director – Internet Business Group, CISCO Systems, Siju Narayan, Retail Industry Lead, Microsoft India, Anshu Dubey, VP Retail, Global Business Services, IBM India/South Asia and Rahul Dravid, Global Consulting practices, TCS. The following sessions for the day will have topics like Fashion Retail, Specialty Retail, Service Sector, Finance, Entrepreneurship, and about Fast Moving Businesses for discussion.
The Day I of the event was marked by the launch of ‘Small Medium Entrepreneur’ magazine by Honorable Member of Parliament in the 15th Lok Sabha and Union Minister, Ministry of MSME, Sh. Virbhadra Singh at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi. The welcome address was given by Editor-in-Chief, Franchise India, Ritu Marya. The Day I of the Exhibition witnessed approximately 7,000 visitors and turned out to be great success.
The two day is India’s Biggest Business show that encapsulates the upbeat mood of entrepreneurship through its exclusive multi-facet platform on small business, franchising, retail and licensing. The show is presented by Franchise India and Bloomberg UTV, supported by LIMA (International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association) and Indian Franchise Association (IFA).