F-studio, the retail chain of fashion fabrics lately opened its franchise outlet in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. The F-studio outlet has lots of variety to offer to their customers. The brand’s collection includes fabric from Silk, Georgette, Chiffon, Crepe, Velvet, Satin, Brocade, Zari, Linen and more. F-studio’s mission for the ladies of Hyderabad is to weave their own style.
Priyank Shah, Director, F-studio, said: “There is a tremendous response from the city and we will surely launch more stores in other parts of India in coming time.”
To open F studio franchise, an initial investment of Rs 1 crore is required with an area of 900-1,200 sq.ft. The studio should be preferably located in an area, which houses plenty of fashion designers and boutiques in vicinity. F-studio assures its franchisees, minimum returns by way of re-imbursement of monthly expenditures of the store like rent, staff salary, electricity bills and others. This would be applicable only in case, when the expenditure is more than the gross profit. A lump sum amount of monthly expenditure would be decided prior to signing the agreement. This arrangement would be applicable only for the first year of operations. From second year onwards, normal franchise terms would be applicable.
F-studio’s first company-owned store opened in the year 2007 in Surat. With growing response from the customers, the company started opening multiple stores via franchise model.