Fitbit has launched its new Charge 3 fitness tracker in India. The Charge 3 is introduced at a price of Rs 13,990. Fitbit is also planning to launch the special edition of Charge 3 at Rs 15,999.
The Charge 3 tracker carries a similar design like the previous Fitbit fitness trackers, but with an improved overall design. The latest Fitbit wearable comes with a small touchscreen display that adjusts to the ambient brightness on its own. It also has a 24/7 heart rate to track calorie burn and optimises workouts. In addition to this, Charge 3 can also track sleep, providing details of the time spent in light, deep and REM sleep stages.
James Park, CEO and Co-Founder, Fitbit, said, "Charge 3 is our most innovative tracker yet, featuring our most advanced sensor technology, bringing the relative SpO2 sensor to the tracker form factor for the first time. Data from this sensor will feed into the upcoming launch of our Fitbit Labs Sleep Score beta, which will allow users to better understand metrics like their sleep quality and breathing disturbances. In the future, with FDA approval, this data could be used to screen and detect more serious health conditions, such as sleep apnea."
The Charge 3 comes in black with a graphite aluminium case or blue-grey with a rose gold aluminium case. The tracker will be available for purchase via major online and offline retail channels like Reliance Digital, Croma and Helios.