E-commerce player Flipkart has announced the launch of 20 stores across the country where customers can collect their shipments at their own convenient time.
E-commerce player Flipkart has announced the launch of 20 stores across the country where customers can collect their shipments at their own convenient time. Flipkart plans to increase the number of stores to 100 by March 2016.
The new "alternate delivery model will allow customers to walk into their nearest experience centre and collect their shipments at their convenient time",
Flipkart said in a statement.
"Unavailability of customers during delivery and restricted entry of delivery boys into IT parks, gated communities and educational institutions are some of the key reasons that lead to customer dissatisfaction with the delivery process," Flipkart added.
Commenting on the initiative, Neeraj Aggarwal, Senior Director, Delivery Operations at Flipkart, said, "Getting logistics right is extremely crucial for
e-commerce companies. We believe this model is a resolution to customer unavailability issues, as it offers consumers a choice to adjust the delivery time and location according to their convenience."
These Flipkart stores are currently present in Bangalore, Mysore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, Vellore, Gurgaon, Vadodara and Surat.