The franchisor-franchisee relationship is not always on even plinth. The franchisor, on the one hand feels, he has full authority to enforce systems and standards as the business is his offshoot, whereas, the franchisee on the other hand often views himself as an independent entity, and wants to work his own way.
For the success of any business cordial relations between the partners as also the customers is most important. Similarly, in franchising cordial and cohesive relations between the partners is of paramount importance to usher in success.
In order to maintain strong ties amidst the partners the following view points may be given a serious consideration:- The key point in all relationships is an open and effective communication.
Relationships are built with dialogue, so it's important that the parties encourage dialogue in every aspect of the relationship. Annual conventions, regional meetings and advertising counselling can be effective to provide two-way communication. Failure to express concerns, emotions, or interests can lead to uncertainty and negative feelings, ultimately leading to the deterioration of the relationship. Problems are bound to arise in any relationship but these should be discussed quickly, so that an effective solution could be found out. Trust is the key to a long-term sustained relationship. If the franchisor has promised something to the franchisee it should be executed at the earliest.
The franchisor should be honest with the franchisee from the start. Lastly, to have a good relationship with the franchisee, the franchisor should genuinely care about the success of the franchisees. Both, the franchisor and the franchisee should be clear about their objectives and interests. The franchisor should make his goals and interests known to the franchisee before entering into the agreement. With the franchisee dreaming about differently, the relationship cannot gain stability and success.
Besides these key points, some other measures may also be adopted :-
But it must be a strategic choice of the franchisor to constantly endeavour to groom, nurture and foster ties with the later in a quest to flourish his business.