The value of mobile phones has increased so much that it has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. The increasing number of mobile phone subscriptions has not only given a boost to the mobile industry itself but has also added fuel to other businesses associated with it. The biggest example of an industry that has benefitted from the mobile industry is the telecommunication industry.
In India, telecommunication has reached a substantial position and has continued to be a major contributor to the nation’s GDP. India is also the world’s second largest telecommunications’ market with 1,197.87 million subscribers. Clearly, the industry has also come up with many great opportunities for entrepreneurs in this field.
Here are five reasons why the telecommunication industry is witnessing an upswing.
Frequently Updating Cellular Technology
Cellular technology is an essential part of the mobile industry for that it is one of those things on which mobile phone networks are based. This is the technology on which all the ‘Gs’ ( 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and so on) work. As the cellular technologies keep getting updated, for instance from 3G to 4G to 5G, the flow of information becomes swifter in a mobile device.
In the past few years, cellular technologies have rapidly been upgrading and this has directly impacted the telecommunications’ industry in a positive way. It has made telecommunication happen more swiftly, which in turn has made a stronger customer base for telecommunication businesses.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are gaining popularity day by day and are poised to witness an inclined growth path in almost every sector of theconomy. The core purpose of AR & VR is to empower digital visualisation on real images. There are so many trendy games that are being made using AR and VR to make the user experience more enriching and real. For example, face filters in Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, are being made for enhancing customer experience. All of these ehancements are aimed at enlarging the consumption of devices and applications.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are two of the biggest technological advancements that are gaining huge popularity among economies of the world. In telecom, these two technologies play a crucial role as they help in automating many back-end operations and trivial customer interactions. For instance, chatbots, speech recognition, voice services etc. are currently being used in all kinds of websites, applications and devices. Both these technologies have changed the outlook of telecommunication and have made the industry grow multifold.
Improved In-flight Connectivity
In-flight connectivity has become a game changer for both? airlines and telecommunication companies. As in-flight connectivity has improved, passengers are able to use mobile phones, wi-fi and other sources of connectivity during their flights. This has given the telecommunication industry another arena to expand their reach.