Franchise & Retail show FRO 2012 organised by Franchise India concluded successfully at Hotel Ramada in Jaipur. The show supported by Indian Franchise Association (IFA) in association with The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE) laid a platform for companies to present and expand their concepts by networking with potential entrepreneurs in Jaipur and surrounding cities.
This event was an ideal platform for different companies to present and expand their franchising concepts by networking with about 3,000 entrepreneurs who attended the show over the span of two days. Franchise India exhibitions offered pan-India expansion opportunity to all its participants.
Some of the prominent speakers who gathered at FRO are Vikas Pilania, Brand Manager, BHPC, Spencers Retail Ltd, Asheeta Chhabra, Head Business Development, Chhabra Triple Five Fashions Pvt. Ltd., Dr. K.L. Jain, Secretary General, Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), Jaipur, and many others.
The event displayed information-rich Entrepreneurship Summit 2012, a conference which was a must-attend for new business owners and start-ups. The show covered a wide range of business sectors, supplying the needs of not only existing businesses but also of aspiring entrepreneurs.