Gradeup, India’s largest preparation platform for competitive exams, has launched Rankup JEE: A 70-Day Score Booster course. It is a comprehensive course designed to improve the performance of students in JEE Main April exam.
Gradeup has created a course that focuses on intensive preparation over the 70-day interval between the 2 attempts, thereby improving scores and boosting the final rank attained by aspirants.
The integrated course created by Gradeup offers collaborative preparation, wherein students learn from their experiences in January and score better in April. Based on engagement and personalised learning, the programme focuses on activities like live courses, mock tests, previous years’ papers and open discussions which cover all the concepts in an interesting, easy-to-retain manner.
Shobhit Bhatnagar, Co-founder, Gradeup, said, “We are excited to roll out this dedicated course for JEE aspirants looking to get a higher rank in their second attempt. This is a course that can benefit thousands of students and help them accelerate the growth trajectory of their career through a higher rank. The JEE Main is a challenging exam and each moment of preparation is crucial. Within this course, we will chart out every day and every hour of preparation time, and allow students to efficiently streamline these 70 days that can change their lives.
Rankup JEE is a part of Gradeup’s new ‘Classroom’ category through which it offers comprehensive classroom style preparation courses. Through this approach, it offers a highly comprehensive learning experience to aspirants.