Indian Two Wheeler giant Hero MotoCorp announced the commencement of the deliveries of its electric vehicle, VIDA V1, in Jaipur (Rajasthan). The company had started deliveries of the vehicle in Bengaluru (Karnataka) last month. Hero MotoCorp has plans to commence the deliveries in other cities of India soon.
Hero launched its electric vehicle brand Vida in October 2022 and the company has two scooters variants in the electric range. These are Pro and Plus which are said to be in direct competition with the rivals OLA S1 Pro, Ather 450X and TVS iQube.
VIDA V1 comes with a battery capacity of 3.9kWh which gives a range of 165 Km on single charge. Battery warranty for this vehicle is 30,000 Km or three years (whichever comes earlier). It is powered by an IP 68 water resistant electric motor which produces 25 Nm of peak torque.
Hero MotoCorp Head (Emerging Mobility Business Unit) Swadesh Srivastava said, "We are now gearing up to expand our presence and further penetrate the market. Deliveries will next begin in Delhi."
The company has already opened its experience centres in Bengaluru and Jaipur, and pop-up stores in Delhi-NCR. Customers may visit these centres to test VIDA electric scooters.
The company— akin to its rival in the same domain— is working to continuously capture the India’s electric two wheeler market. The market for electric two wheelers is expected to reach USD 102.8 Cr by 2028.