The domain of entrepreneurship education is now faced with ever more interesting choices about what to be, who to serve and from what principles to profess. Opportunities and challenges in teaching and training related to globalization, technology, political organization and shifting demographics and social views have created entirely new understandings of what is important and where attention should be directed.
More than 163 million women started businesses worldwide and another 111 million women were already running entrepreneurial businesses as of 2016. This accounts for an increase of 10 percent of total entrepreneurial activity by women in 74 countries since last year, according to the newly released Global entrepreneurship Monitor 2016/2017 Women’s Report. The study shows entrepreneurial intentions increased among women worldwide by 16 percent from 2014 to 2016 across all economies.
Lina Ashar, founder, Kangaroo Kids said,” The education sector like any other service industry requires people passionate for the cause with great leadership and collaborating skills. Also, we now have franchising opportunities that have come up and it has brought about a reduced risk proposition which makes it very attractive for first time entrepreneurs.”
“Certain franchising opportunities (especially related to service industry like education) do make it an attractive investment opportunity for women especially, since it translates to greater flexibility in hours and low overheads which make it easier for women who don't have a lot of capital to get finances and become business owners”, said the Founder, Kangaroo Kids.
According to KPMG report, women entrepreneurs said that the top challenges they face in building their businesses include hiring the right people, time management, managing cash flow through lean times or funding growth and developing sales forecasts and hitting those targets.
“So women are making the leap to owning their own business -- whether from the corporate world or from home -- can do so without years of planning. Also, there is high level of acceptance of the brand in the market and the promotional costs also reduce hence the major investment costs reduce drastically”, informed the Founder of Kangaroo Kids, Lina Ashar.
Manjula Pooja Shroff, Founder, Calorx Foundation said," Women who start their own ventures are essentially equipped with a keen business sense with leadership and risk taking abilities. In the field of education too the same qualities are essential to hone the passion for contributing towards education as well as from the business perspective. Decision making ability, creativity of thought and an innovative approach goes a long way to cater to the needs of the industry and many women have successfully proven that they are able to fulfil their ambitions successfully by living their dream of being Edupreneurs and also contributing to the society."
She further stressed," Many a woman has taken the proverbial plunge and broken the myths that business is only for men. India has fast emerged as a nation with women taking the front seats in running successful businesses and leading educational institutions."
"Women are the torch bearers of strength, whether in the domestic arena or professional sphere. Women are emotionally strong, are able to multi task and take risks and initiatives. Teachers are the hardest working professionals across the globe, who have a major responsibility on their shoulders towards shaping Glocal Learners. Learners who have a global outlook within their local environments", added Ms. Shroff.