How Adaptation In The Classroom Improves Teachers’ Well-Being

How Adaptation In The Classroom Improves Teachers’ Well-Being

How Adaptation In The Classroom Improves Teachers’ Well-Being
Adaptability Is Something Teachers Require On A Regular Basis And Likely Plays An Important Role In Helping Them To Navigate The Demands Of Their Work.

The prevalence of poor well-being and high attrition among teachers are reported every few months. According to a report, approximately 15% of Indian teachers are choosing to leave the profession each year which is a matter of concern in the education industry.

Alongside these issues are ongoing difficulties related to the retention of quality teachers in particular location and various subject areas. In a recent study, teacher’s adaptability factor was examined which might help to solve the issues.

What is adaptability?

All humans undergo experiences of change, uncertainty, and novelty which is very common. Adjusting the thoughts, actions, and emotions in order to successfully respond to such situations is known as adaptability. It includes adjusting the way of thinking about the situation, considering different options, and minimizing emotions.

Why is adaptability important for teachers?

At work, teachers regularly encounter a diverse range of learners to whom they must respond appropriately. They have to undergo unexpected situations in the classroom in which they have to navigate.

Adaptability is necessary as teachers interact with new colleagues, students, and parents on a regular basis. All of these situations require teachers to adapt in order to successfully navigating them. The process might involve adjusting lessons, better engagement of students, minimizing frustration when a lecture is not going accordingly. Findings indicate that adaptable teachers tend to report greater well-being.

How to support adaptability in teachers?

The constant changing demands of teaching have certainly highlighted adaptability as essential for teachers. Adaptability also contributes to avoiding feelings of disengagement and in turn, avoiding lower job commitment. In the rapidly changing education industry, adaptability can be considered as one key factor supporting teachers well-being, promoting their retention.

Actions by principals such as inviting teachers’ input in decisions, providing them with choices in curriculum and policy development certainly aids in the process. Listening to teachers’ perspectives and expressing confidence in their abilities certainly gives birth to the sense of empowerment and belonging in the workplace. These approaches can help them to be more adaptable at work.  

Tomorrow’s opportunities

Change, uncertainty, variability, transition, and novelty are a reality of life. The extent to which young people effectively respond to this reality will have a significant bearing on their life course – beyond the influence of other important factors such as resilience and personality.

Encouragingly, research and practice show that young people can successfully adjust their behavior, thoughts, and emotion – with some at-risk or underachieving youth perhaps requiring more intensive and sustained support to do this. Young people can be taught how to be more adaptable, and then, in turn, better embrace the opportunities of their ever-changing world.

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