David Brower, a famous environmentalist once quoted, “We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
Since the inception of this universe we humans have come a long way in terms of living in a bio-diversified ecosystem. The way we live directly affects the environment around us. It becomes our utmost responsibility to preserve it for our future generations. Whether it is personal life or business, nature has given us whatever we have sought for our growth and development both as an individual and as a society, in abundance. Now it is our duty to restore and replenish the earth. Veganism is not just an option but a choice for our survival especially for our future generations. The massive growth of industrialization means that our lives have become easier now. But at what cost? I am not saying that we should stop developing but at the same time, we should adopt ways for inventing solutions which can eradicate the hazardous effects of this rapid urbanization and industrialization. This is where owning a vegan brand makes a positive difference. Veganism is all about establishing a change in the process, where we are giving the environment the chance to regenerate, nourish itself and grow, without polluting it with tons of toxic waste.
Why Go For A Vegan Brand?
The global population is expected to hit 9.1 billion by 2050. It is a frightening thought as we will be rapidly running out of land on the planet to raise livestock for industrial use. The rapid growth of population together with a wasteful use of resources means that we are depleting our planet of its natural resources. Moreover, all this combines to create hazardous chemicals which lead to further pollution of our flora and fauna. Animal processing for manufacturing products leads to release of carcinogenic elements which result in disastrous effects on the environment. Also, the active presence of substances like lead, carbon monoxide and other pollutants which are non-biodegradable devastate the surroundings to a level from which recovery becomes an impossible dream.
Vegan For Pure Air
We all love to breathe in purified air with almost no polluting elements. But every day, we are still breathing in excessive amount of carbon emissions which leads to various health problem. Plants help to purify the air, thus plant-based products do not harm the environment or add chemical toxins to the air, thereby allowing us to breathe healthily.
Vegan For Pure Water
We all know how important water is for us. Increase in global warming means we are losing our natural resources like water; climate change has affected the rainfall patterns across the world. Toxic waste released in water bodies has poisoned the underwater life to an extent where aquatic life is in danger now. We need to ensure the sustainability of the food chain we depend on, in the long run. For ensuring this we need to migrate to a technology that processes and recycles plant-based products. This will, in turn, purify the water bodies. Vegan brands are already deploying mechanisms which do not cause depletion of water resources. This allows us to restore the balance for underground water sources.
Vegan For Soil Resilience and Natural Balance
Several livestock-related activities deplete the soil, disrupting the fertility ratio and the microorganism balance. However, if you are using plant-based technologies the organic way in which the minerals are extracted end up increasing the strength of the soil ie only those minerals are extracted which regenerate over a period. Also, processing of vegan products releases non-toxic elements waste elements that are biodegradable. Therefore, veganism not only prevents environmental damage, but it also acts as a cycle of regeneration for the planet.
This article has been authored by Nina Lekhi, MD & Curator, Baggit