Plato once said that music is a more potent instrument than any other for education. Music is something loved by all, but not everybody gets a chance to participate in it.
According to a recent research, it has been found that music uses both sides of the brain which increases the scope for development in a person. Music can help in developing a child’s mind academically, emotionally, and physically.
In the rapidly changing world, music education in schools needs to be next on the academic agenda because of its proven academic, personal, and social benefits. According to the leading American band, Backstreet Boys, “Practicing music reinforces teamwork, self-discipline, creativity, and communication skills, and can enhance creativity among people be it, adults or students”.
Participation in music allows a child to socialize which is essential for their growth. Music is a way of making friends as it comes without limitations and boundaries. Therefore, institutions should think again about including music in their curriculum on a regular basis.
Develops language and reasoning
Schools should come up with a music class which can help student’s develop the language and reasoning skills. Students who are into early musical training have more advanced and creative mind as compared to others. Institutions can contribute to developing the student’s brain via music which can imprint information on young minds easily.
Improvement of social and interpersonal skills
Teaching faculties can help the students gain multiple positive effects on social developments via music education. Musical students being more aware than others, carry more appreciation and gratitude for the other people around them. Educators can teach students to be a better team player and impart a greater sense of responsibility with the help of music in their curriculum. Music can help students learn to support each other, working towards a common goal. Thus, participation in music can be beneficial for building character and personality in students which can certainly raise the education business.
Music is remedy
Music has been used as a part of therapy for centuries. It can be beneficial for breathing, posture, heart, and immune system while practicing music as it directly affects nerves of our body. Helping the students to develop motor skills via rhythm instruments can be an effective way of attracting people towards a particular business. Musical training can be further used as a great tool for successful inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in general education. Institutions can also contribute towards eliminating depression and anxiety from students with the help of music.