The standards of beauty are changing and so is the thinking attached to each one of it. Women have always been thought of as the one who is needed to look beautiful all the time but times are now changing. It’s not just women who want to look beautiful but also men who want to maintain their looks. Men have started to walk on the path of ‘beautifying’ themselves and they are not alone in this. Various brands are coming up with products that are just the perfect ones for men.
The Growing Market
The growing market for men’s grooming is not a myth mot a distant dream. Men are contributing to the beauty industry as much as women are and brands are supporting them by providing their best. Gone are the days when men neglected the topic of grooming themselves or looking after their skin or hair. Trends and various brands have led men to walk down the market aisles just to choose grooming products that suit them the best. The men’s grooming market is also expected to deliver a double-digit growth at a CAGR of more than 17% by the year 2020, according to a report by Techsci. As the Indian beauty and grooming market is expected to touch the US $ 20 Billion by 2025, it is very much evident that the men’s grooming sector has progressed ahead from shaving and normal haircuts.
The Reasons
Long back, men used to pay little attention to their looks and resemblance. Beauty, grooming, taking care of skin and hair and looking the best were ignored by them as topics that are too feminine. Men have become more aware of their appearance. Credits also go to the latest trends and happenings in the beauty industry around the men’s sector. Women have always had choices when it comes to choosing products that can enhance their appearance but with the number of brands increasing in the men’s grooming market, they are also having the privilege to choose that is made just for them. The high amount of disposable income is also a reason that has encouraged men to go ahead and take good care of their looks.
The Many Options
There is absolutely no dearth in the number of choices that men are getting to choose the best from. As the awareness to look desirable is spreading among men, the demand for such products is also increasing. From a time when there was not even a section in a supermarket that was dedicated towards the grooming needs of men, Indian, as well as International markets, have progressed a big deal by bringing out complete ranges and new brands in the men’s grooming section. Many FMCG brands that were once just catering to women beauty needs have come out with new branches supporting men’s need to look presentable. Some of the top brands like Nivea Men, Axe, Clinique for Men, L’Oreal men Expert, Set Wet, Park Avenue and many others have joined the long bandwagon of men’s grooming brands.
The ‘Natural’ Factor
Though there are many brands in the men’s grooming industry, not all are nature lovers. As the market is climbing the ladder of expansion, the new vertical of going natural is also adding to it. The latest trends in the market is all about going organic, green, natural and ayurvedic and one cannot ignore the fact that men also require such products. Though the addition of such ‘nature-friendly’ brands in the segment is a bit slow, men are not short of choices even here. Brands like Lyonsleaf, John Masters Organics, Trevarno, Organic Homme, NYR Men, Element Botanicals Man Up, Rebels Refinery and many others are in the service of men, providing the skin and hair so good that they can challenge women.
Expert Speak
Earlier I used to see this word ‘metrosexual’ everywhere used for the Indian men but now it is no longer too much in use. I travel a lot and have been to US and Europe recently and what I observed was that the men’s grooming sector is evolving everywhere. It is just not only in India but also in other parts of the world. If you’ll go to a departmental store, 90% of the products you’ll see there will be women-centric, 10% is now what you’ll see the products turning towards men in the developed world. India has a huge room to grow but we are just scratching the surface right now. It’s like we have not even started in this industry in terms of India, says Nitin Kalwani, Managing Director, Juice Salon.
The Men’s grooming sector has emerged after a lot of research and analysing of what men want. AS the men started showing their interest in this segment, it took no time to grow and expand itself. Though the sector still has to cover a long way, the established thought process of men not rhyming with grooming has been demolished forever. Men have a progressive thinking when it comes to their appearance and that is why the beauty industry is and will keep on experiencing the birth of many new brands dedicated towards men and opening up more salons. The scope in the men’s grooming sector is wide and bright in the times to come.