Being successful is as difficult as continuing to be in that position forever, as there are many start-ups and entrepreneurs that are popping up on daily basis.
According to a report, Micro enterprises account for 95% of total SMBs, small & medium put together to hold the remaining 5% share and 55% of SMBs are located out of urban cities whereas 45% are situated in rural areas.
Here are a few points to boost sales in the franchise business:
1. Advertisements:
Advertisements can do wonders for sales. It works as a constant reminder to the customers about things that they want to buy or about upcoming offers. Hire a good advertising team to make appealing posters for newspapers, good video or audio commercials for radios and websites.
These days on every website there are zillion pop-up ads offering discounts or just running a video commercial. It can be very helpful. Moreover, big banners in the cities or hoardings too help in boosting the sales.
Innovative ads on newspapers or television or radios, specifying the common dilemma attract customers to the stores, for example, the season based products, and umbrella, raincoats, plastic covers, soups, soup bowls, coffee mugs, and all that can be associated with rains and emotions of customers.
2. Examine Strategies:
Try and brainstorm more strategies that can work for boosting sales. Experiment with all the strategies even if for a short duration, this is a great way to keep the team motivated and open options for customers.
Also, keep in mind that too many options might backfire on you. Thus keep the strategy experimentation limited to certain sections. Thus you can assign the teams and see which strategy worked well.
Never ever offer more than you can provide or supply, too many flavors often confuse the customer and as a result, you might either end up selling nothing at all or disappointing customers by not keeping up to their expectations.
3. Create Offer Seasons:
As the season ends, there is plenty of offers come rushing along the way for the customers. Thus creating your own offer season, where you offer discounts or combos.
It will also avoid clashes with other companies or stores, resulting in giving your sales a solid push. Before declaring the offer or combos, be well equipped with staff to handle billing counters and to help customers along the aisle. Also, keep the store stuffed with enough items to meet the needs of customers. Keep a good rapport with the suppliers.
Business is a mutual thing, where the supplier is dependent on the store and the store is dependent upon customers and vice versa. To keep everybody pleased and business running with-profits need little hard work and exercise of the brain.