Franchise India is hosting 45th Franchise and Retail Opportunity (FRO) show on February 25-26, 2012 at Hyderabad Intl Convention Centre. The Franchise & Retail, Expo & Conference is presented by Franchise India and Indian Franchise Association (IFA) and supported by Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India (MSME).
The conference will provide an enlightening perspective on the business of being an entrepreneur, being enterprising, spotting and seizing opportunities. The Summit is going to be the perfect blend for entrepreneurs who are looking to jumpstart their business ideas.
The show comprises of a comprehensive exhibition and conference on franchising, retailing and licensing covering the dynamics of SME sector, drawing thousands of business visitors. FRO 2012 Hyderabad displays various Indian and global brands, under one roof, to impart an all-round perspective on franchising, thereby highlighting the principal concepts and prevailing trends in franchise fraternity.
The Exhibition puts forth a spectrum of opportunities in franchising, retailing, licensing, real estate and retail supply from all possible industry verticals including Fashion & Lifestyle, Food & Beverage, Education, Financial services, Health, Beauty & Wellness, Real Estate, Travel, Retail, Entertainment and many more.