Ice Cream Lab has unveiled its first franchise outlet in Hyderabad and has aggressive plans to spread the franchise base to the top-10 cities. The company has signed franchise agreements for locations including Bengaluru, West Bengal and Punjab.
Speaking during the launch of Hyderabad store on November 17, 2019, Rashed Hareb, Partner, Ice Cream Lab, said, “We are very pleased to open our first store in Hyderabad. The city is on a fast economic growth path with the influx of corporate houses and MNCs which are attracting large manpower and skilled resources. Establishing our first store in Hyderabad is our judicious move to get right brand awareness and to provide a robust start to our brand in India.”
Ice Cream Lab is globally known for its unique way of making made-to-order ice cream instantly. It is a liquid nitrogen-based molecular gastronomy concept that turns all-fresh natural ice cream base into ice cream instantly.
Talking about the viability of UAE brands in the Indian market, Ahmad Sultan Alfalahi, UAE Commercial Attaché to India, said, “Indian market has immense possibilities and offers huge potential for any company willing to enter it. While the market is quite competitive, the large population desiring to try something new ensures healthy returns to the businesses. Owing to similarities in our tastes and cultures, the UAE companies find it easy to enter the Indian market by offering them something new yet easily acceptable. It is because of the historical cultural links, trade relations and people-to-people contact we have between the countries, we feel at home in India and Indians feel at home in the UAE.”
The Ice Cream Lab Way
The Ice Cream Lab is currently working on 3 distinct models in India starting with the grab-and-go food kiosk model that requires the investment of Rs 32 lakh and an area of 100-150 sq ft. The second model is an Ice Cream Lab café requiring investment of Rs 50 lakh and an area of 400-500 sq ft. In addition, the large-format café model requires investment of Rs 70 lakh and an area of 800 sq ft. “The initial investment includes the operating expenses for the first two months. While the operational expenses do not exceed 30-35% of the monthly revenues, all Ice Cream Lab franchise models offer a profit margin of 32%. In addition, we offer end-to-end logistics support to all our franchisees,” highlights Hareb.
The company has already tied up with a supplier to deliver quality-controlled milk as well as a vendor to provide machinery and equipments to all franchisees at competitive rates. The brand has also deployed an on-ground team that will supervise franchise operations, training and logistical support on a day-to-day basis.
Future Plans
Speaking on Ice Cream Lab plans in India, Hareb shares, “We have made a 3-5 year expansion plan for India. Over the next 12-18 months, we are looking for 30-50 operational stores in India. Looking at the market viability in India, it is something very achievable. We have already signed four franchise partners and are in advanced stage with many more prospects.”