The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore in association with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay will host the second annual future of learning conference, namely ‘Learning 4.0: Connecting the Dots and Reaching the Unreached’.
The future of learning (FoL) conference will be held at IIM-Bangalore on January 4 and January 5, 2019. It is aiming to highlight innovation and foster dialogue between the major actors shaping the 21st-century learning models like academics, entrepreneurs, regulators and technologists.
The conference will discuss significant issues like how should the learning model 4.0 be in line with the principles of industry 4.0; the barriers to transformation that exist and how to overcome them; how to bring in the vast majorities of underserved/unserved learners into the emerging learning networks; the ecosystem elements that need to evolve and policy interventions needed; and the business or financial models that are likely to be successful.