Importance Of Leadership In A Business

Importance Of Leadership In A Business

Importance Of Leadership In A Business
Leadership is required to develop future visions, and to motivate the members of a business to want to achieve the visions.

Leadership plays a vital role in managerial operations and is an integral part of a business. It helps in the attainment of goals and provides direction, guidance, and confidence to the employees in a much easier way. Managers play the role of a leader in industrial and business organizations. He/she acquires the leadership of subordinates, their efforts towards the achievement of organizational goals and activates the individuals of an organization to make them work. Leadership influences behaviour of the individuals. It has an ability to attract others and potential to make them follow the instructions. Through effective leadership, Individuals can be induced to contribute their maximum towards the attainment of organizational goals. Leadership provides direction and vision for future to an organization.

Features of leadership:

-Leadership uses non-coercive methods to direct and coordinate the activities of the individuals of an organization.

-Leadership is a continuous process of influencing behaviour. It encourages liveliness in the group.

-A leader possesses qualities to influence others.

-Leadership gives the individuals, a vision for future.

-Leadership is the process of influencing the behaviour of individuals in an organization.

-Leadership is a group activity. The Leader influences his followers and followers also exercise influence over his leadership.

Leadership directs the individuals to attain the tasks assigned to them by following the instructions of their leaders.

-Leadership is meant for a given situation, given group for a predetermined period of lime.

Significance of Leadership

Leadership helps the business to achieve its organizational goals and maximize efficiency. It is also an important function of a business. The following points justify the importance of leadership in a business.

-A leader acts as a friend of the people whom he is leading and initiates the work by communicating the policies and plans to the subordinates from where the work actually starts. He also acts as a link between the work groups and the forces outside the organization.

- A leader has the capacity to recognize the potentials of the individuals and build up the confidence of the individuals of the organization through explaining them clearly their role, expressing the work efforts to the subordinates, and giving them guidelines to achieve the goals effectively.

- Co-ordination can be achieved through reconciling personal interests with organizational goals. A leader unites the people as a team and builds up team spirit. He also maintains discipline among his group and develops a sense of responsibility.

- A leader builds up a high morale among the individuals of the organization by achieving full co-operation so that employees perform with best of their abilities as they work to achieve goals. Morale denotes getting the confidence of the employees, winning their trust and willing co-operation towards their work.

 - A leader proves to be playing an incentive role in an organisation’s working. A leader motivates his people to achieve goals with economic and non-economic rewards and thereby gets the work from the subordinates.



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