Indian eRetail Congress 2012, presented by Franchise India and UTV Bloomberg with Entrepreneur India Advisors as the knowledge partners and Indian Franchise Association (IFA) as the supporting partners is an initiative by Franchise India to overview the Indian eRetail expedition. It would be held on February 20 and 21, 2012. The platform will leverage online retailers with big ideas, winning strategies, business-building intelligence and the valuable connections necessary to start and take e-retailing business to the next level.
The two day conference will collate key policy makers, retail professionals, corporate, vendors and suppliers at both national and international level for deliberations and interactions. This would lead to sharing of learning and knowledge, draw attention to best practices and promote innovation to capture consumer interest in the eRetail segment.
The Congress is aimed at creating a thought leadership that will lead eRetail revolution in India. The two day agenda is spaced out to create networking opportunities and round table discussions that will come up with innovative solutions for the eRetail industry. The show will also evolve special Awards for those who have created path breaking trends and have led unprecedented innovations that have uplifted the morale of the entire eRetail Industry.