Genesis Global School, a premium day-cum-residential school in Noida, has been the host of the Indian Green Building Council's 'Green Learning of School Students' programme launch. At the event, the students got knowledge from Subject Matter Experts on Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Energy Efficiency, Smart Green Cities, Solid Waste Management, Smart Cities, and Efficiency in Water Consumption, New Technologies and Green Landscape.
IGBC's 'Student Chapters for Schools' is part of the Confederation of Indian Industry and is launched with an objective to promote 'Sustainability' amongst the student community.
Ignacio Albert, Country Manager, Urbaser India, spoke about the concepts of solid waste management. He talked about his team's project on waste management, where they are exploring the possibility of separating organic waste and dry and wet waste. He also introduced the concept of recycling organic waste and shared how the 'Green School' rating system encourages multiple eco-friendly policies.
Dr. Trilochan Singh, Director, University-Industry Linkage Centre (UILC) at Arunachal University of Studies, explained about climate change and the distribution of weather patterns around the world. He presented the statistics of fossil records of plants and animals.
Christopher Hanvey, Director of Operations, Genesis Global School, said, "We are an IGBC Platinum Ranked School and have also integrated the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 within our curriculum. We started talking and working with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals about and within, the last 2 years. This year we are also investing in equipment from Solar Wind Mills to Waste-Compost Generators."