India’s only bespoke watchmaker, Jaipur Watch Company, has launched a bespoke gold watch using the last coin minted under the British Rule, a one Rupee coin from 1947. The coin has an Indian tiger standing and facing left. The legend below has India with the year 1947. The value of the coin is inscribed in Devanagari, English, and Urdu.
The watch is powered by a premium Swiss Quartz mechanical movement. Its belt is genuine high-quality hand-crafted leather. The outer dimension of the case is 39 mm. The crystal of the watch is made of sapphire. The screwed down back cover of the watch is made of gold.
Gaurav Mehta, Founder of Jaipur Watch Company, said, “1947 being an important year in our history, the watch is a great collector’s item. The watch is also ideal for those looking for making style statements using historical motifs.”
Jaipur Watch Company is India's only bespoke watch company that started off by making watches incorporating Pre-British Era coins.
Today, Jaipur Watch Company makes a range of custom-made watches that not just exude luxury but also a tradition with a subtle hint of contemporary design. Manufacturing Plant of Jaipur Watch Company is in Peenya, Bengaluru.