India’s only bespoke watchmaker, Jaipur Watch Company, has launched India’s first 3D printed watch. 3D printed in stainless steel and covered by a sapphire crystal, the watch is a perfect and also unique gift.
The dial of the watch is 3D printed with motifs and numbers given a high polished surface. The watch is powered by a premium Japanese Miyota mechanical movement of 9015. Its belt is genuine high-quality hand-crafted leather. The outer dimension of the case is 40 mm and the thickness is 8mm. The lugs of the watch are 20mm in size.
Gaurav Mehta, Founder of Jaipur Watch Company, said, “3D printing gives the opportunity to work with a faster manufacturing process and develop the product quite quickly. This manufacturing process allows for creating on-demand designs. Customization, which has always been the forte of Jaipur Watch Company, is now one of the main advantages exploited by them with 3D printing.”
Jaipur Watch Company is India's only bespoke watch company that started off by making watches incorporating Pre-British Era coins. Today, JWC makes a range of custom-made watches that not just exude luxury but also a tradition with a subtle hint of contemporary design. Manufacturing Plant of JWC is in Peenya, Bengaluru.