Mahindra has launched its 100th new standalone dealership for small commercial vehicles (SCVs), within a span of just six months. The company further targets to strengthen its SCV dealership network to 250 and 1,000 touchpoints by March 2020.
These SCV dealerships retail the Alfa Passenger, Alfa Load, E-Alfa, Treo Auto, Treo Yaari, Jeeto and Supro range of vehicles. Mahindra posted milestone sale of 400 small CVs in one day in Bihar and Jharkhand in mid-September.
Veejay Ram Nakra, Chief of Sales & Marketing, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra, said, “Given the growth potential of small commercial vehicles, we have started creating a separate channel for them from April 2019 and are in the process of ramping it up to sharpen our focus on this segment. This dedicated channel allows us to increase our volumes, gain market share, and add more value to our customers.”
Satinder Singh Bajwa, Business Head (Small Commercial Vehicles), Mahindra & Mahindra, added, “We are working with our network partners to offer our customers a solid product mix and a differentiated sales experience. We are concentrating on strengthening our SCV sales network in order to deliver performance and profitability. With well-planned facilities and an unmatched commercial vehicles range, we are better placed at building strong, lasting relationships with our customers.”