Women-owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all countries. The hidden entrepreneurial potentials of women have gradually been changing with the growing sensitivity to the role and economic status in the society.
Education Industry has provided women entrepreneurs with many profitable business opportunities. Although women constitute the majority of the total population, the entrepreneurial world is still a male-dominated one. Here are the major constraints faced by Women Entrepreneurs in India.
Socio-cultural barriers
Women often face gender discrimination and have a hard time balancing work and childrearing. Women's family and personal obligations are sometimes a great barrier for succeeding in a business career. Only a few women are able to manage both home and business efficiently, devoting enough time to perform all their responsibilities in priority.
Lack of confidence
In general, women lack confidence in their strength and competence. The family members and the society are reluctant to stand beside their entrepreneurial growth. To a certain extent, this situation is changing among Indian women and yet to face a tremendous change to increase the rate of growth in entrepreneurship.
Motivational factors
Self-motivation can be realized through a mindset for a successful business, attitude to take up risk and behaviour towards the business society by shouldering the social responsibilities. Other factors are family support, Government policies, financial assistance from public and private institutions and also the environment suitable for women to establish business units.
Exposed to the training programs
Training programs and workshops for every type of entrepreneur is available through the social and welfare associations, based on duration, skill and the purpose of the training program. Such programs are really useful to new, rural and young entrepreneurs who want to set up a small and medium scale unit on their own.
Market-oriented risks
Stiff competition in the market and lack of mobility of women make the dependence of women entrepreneurs on middleman indispensable. Many business women find it difficult to capture the market and make their products popular. They are not fully aware of the changing market conditions and hence can effectively utilize the services of media and internet.
Awareness of financial assistance
Various institutions in the financial sector extend their maximum support in the form of incentives, loans, schemes etc. Even then every woman entrepreneur may not be aware of all the assistance provided by the institutions. So the sincere efforts taken towards women entrepreneurs may not reach the entrepreneurs in rural and backward areas.