In order to widen its presence across India, Maruti Suzuki has launched its new mobile Nexa terminal. The mobile terminal is basically a dealership on wheels that will be expanding the premium dealership network to newer cities and town across the country, where Nexa dealerships are not present.
These terminals will offer an experience that’s similar to Nexa showrooms, which presently contribute to 20% of the company’s total sales. It will be reaching out to prospective and existing customers, giving them a chance to experience what a full-fledged Nexa has to provide.
Shashank Srivastava, Executive Director, Marketing and Sales, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, said, “In less than 4 years of its launch, NEXA has rapidly grown to become the most successful premium retail network in India and contributes over 20% to our total sales. In this short span of time, we have set up over 360 NEXA outlets covering more than 200 cities and added over 9 lakh happy NEXA customers.”
“This mobile NEXA terminal will help us to connect with customers in geographies where NEXA outlets are currently not present,” he further added.