myUpchar, India's largest online health camp, has launched its "Saathi" app and "Health Card" in Lucknow. The move is aimed at reaching out to the far-flung areas and provide healthcare to people living in the countryside.
An official said, "Under the new model, myUpchar has a partner in the operating villages along with a team of volunteers and support staff, who collect the basic details like weight, height, blood pressure, glucose, pulse and temperature, and shares those on the app with the doctor."
Rajat Garg, Co-Founder of myUpchar, said, "The focus of myUpchar is to solve the real healthcare problems in rural India where there are negligible healthcare facilities. Unlike other healthcare companies who serve only the elite class people, myUpchar is putting in every effort and hard work to solve the healthcare problems of the rural population in our country."
"The demand for online healthcare services is more in Lucknow as compared to the other cities of India. Every month, 11 per cent of Lucknow's population has been seen urging for online healthcare services, which inspired us to launch 'Saathi' as well as 'Health Card' in Lucknow," he added.