Narayana Health launches Institute of Robotic Surgery

Narayana Health launches Institute of Robotic Surgery

Narayana Health launches Institute of Robotic Surgery
Currently, surgical robots are available only in few centres across the globe. These centres require a trained robotic surgeon to handle all the operations but only few doctors enroll for training programme.

Narayana Health has partnered with Infosys Foundation and launched the Institute of Robotic Surgery at its flagship unit at Narayana Health City in Bangalore. The centre will be using da vinci robotic system to treat the patients of prostate, kidney, gynaecological, colorectal and select head & neck cancer surgeries.

Speaking about current scenario, Dr Devi Shetty, Chairman, Narayana Health said that technique of surgical intervention on the human body is undergoing dramatic change. It took over 30 years for laparoscopic surgery to replace open abdominal operation. World is on the threshold of a major transition from laparoscopic surgery to robotic surgery.

Robotic surgery has proved that inaccessible areas of the human body like deep in the pelvis where a prostate surgery needs to be done for a patient with cancer of the prostate can easily be accessed. Robotic surgery has proven beyond doubt its supremacy. It is a matter of time before most procedures on the human body will be done better with the robotics. However, for the large scale technical adoption of robotic surgery major hitch is the surgeon’s skill, he added further.

Currently, surgical robots are available only in few centres across the globe. These centres require a trained robotic surgeon to handle all the operations but only few doctors enroll for training programme as they are very expensive.

Infosys Foundation always believed in the power of technology to transform the world and address the human sufferings. With that objective, Infosys Foundation donated ‘da Vinci surgical robot’ to develop Infosys Institute of Robotic Surgery to train robotic surgeons for the future. The philosophy of creating the institution is to train any surgeon with a passion to learn robotic surgery and certify them to start robotic surgical program in different parts of the country. NH Foundation along with Infosys Foundation strongly believes that this is the only way robotic surgery services will be available to the common man of this country, elaborated Dr. Shetty. 

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