In order to create awareness about sports and fitness in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched 'Khelo India App', Sports Authority of India's (SAI) first-of-its-kind mobile application. The application is created by SAI as part of the Khelo India Scheme.
'Khelo India App' aims to further strengthen the Prime Minister's vision for developing the sporting ecosystem in the country and turn it into a global sporting superpower in the years to come.
Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said, "Today marks a momentous leap forward for sports in India. The application will revolutionise every aspect of fitness and sports in the country and harness technology to help identify and nurture talent from a young age."
The application has three unique features, making it convenient for youngsters to take up the sport and further help to identify potential champions among children across India.
'Khelo India App' is available both in Hindi and English. It can be used even when there is no connectivity to the internet, ensuring that children who live and study in villages, and who may not have constant access to the internet can use this application.