uiznos’ a QSR brand is all set to open its first north Indian outlet at N-Block Market in Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi. The outlet will start on February 22nd, 2012.
Quiznos, which has entered into a master franchise agreement with Delhi-based restaurant management company Sub-One Hospitality Services Pvt. Ltd, plans to open 150 outlets across states like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi/NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Pradeep Sehgal, CEO, Sub-One Hospitality Services, Parvin Juneja Director, Sub-One Hospitality Services and Renzo Freitas Director of Operations-International, Quiznos will be present at the launch.
Quiznos, a USA based chain of sub restaurants forayed into India with its first opening in Hyderabad last year.
Quiznos’ a USA based chain of sub restaurants is all set to open its first north Indian outlet at N-Block Market in Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi. The outlet will start on February 22nd, 2012.
Quiznos, which has entered into a master franchise agreement with Delhi-based restaurant management company Sub-One Hospitality Services Pvt. Ltd, plans to open 150 outlets across states like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi/NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Pradeep Sehgal, CEO, Sub-One Hospitality Services, Parvin Juneja Director, Sub-One Hospitality Services and Renzo Freitas Director of Operations-International, Quiznos will be present at the launch.
The brand forayed into India with its first opening in Hyderabad last year.