As the Pradhan Mantri – Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) completed its 100 days, the Union Cabinet has approved the re-structuring of existing National Health Agency as "National Health Authority".
Through this decision, the existing society, "National Health Agency", has been dissolved and its status now stands enhanced to that of an Authority. The National Health Authority shall have full autonomy, accountability and the mandate to implement PM-JAY through an efficient, effective and transparent decision-making process.
Shri J. P. Nadda, the Minister for Health and Family Welfare, said, "The world's largest healthcare scheme rightfully deserves the most efficient and effective governance structure with total accountability."
Dr. Indu Bhushan, Chief Executive Officer, NHA, stated, "We are humbled by the faith reposed by the Cabinet in according the status of an Authority to National Health Agency. We reaffirm our commitment to realise the ambitious vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister."
The creation of the National Health Authority will lead to faster decision-making and more accountability and efficiency to ensure availability of quality services to beneficiary families through strategic purchase of healthcare services, preparation of a list of health packages and their rates, robust fraud control and increase in private sector investment in healthcare.