Bollywood Actor Salman Khan has entered into a joint association with Jerai Fitness Pvt Ltd, India's largest fitness equipment company, for launching the equipment brand 'Being Strong'. This is Salman’s second brand venture after 'Being Human'.
Under the association, Jerai equipment will now be branded exclusively as 'Being Strong' fitness equipment.
Jerai Fitness is India's only company that manufactures state-of-the-art-fitness equipment on its own in India. It competes with some of the largest global equipment brands.
'Being Strong' will also supply equipment to some of the largest gyms in various countries.
With made in India, state-of-the-art-fitness equipment, 'Being Strong' envisions making fitness accessible to every Indian.
As part of the joint association, Salman Khan and Jerai Fitness' Being Strong eyes to reach a wider population and accelerate the Fit India movement.