Namit Nangia who was able to reduce his weight successfully thought of sharing the idea with other people, officially. Hence, he came out with a fitness solution for people who desire to remain fit and healthy and thus Life Mojo came into being.
Tell us about Life Mojo.
LifeMojo is all about keeping you healthy. LifeMojo offers services like Nutrition Consultation for Weight Loss, Diabetes, Child Nutrition, tips to keep you healthy, products, a self help platform and wellness content to help you get fit and stay healthy.
How did you get the idea?
After seeing Adnan Sami lose 75 Kg, I tried losing weight and was able to lose 11 Kg in 45 days (which I soon regained). On analysis of my weight loss, we (the LifeMojo team) realised that the key was constant monitoring of what I ate, my fitness regimen, and an eye on my weight.
But the problem was that I soon regained weight. We all looked around and found a lot of similar people and a solution to this problem. The solution is right diet consultation, as per one's body composition and meal preferences. But this right advice is (1) expensive, (2) inconvenient due to the traveling involved (3) inaccessible, since good nutrition experts who understand one's meal preferences are not easy to find. And thus as a solution to all these problems, LifeMojo was born!
When did you start this business?
We started Life Mojo in April 2008
What is your business model?
LifeMojo provides Nutrition Consultation for wellness and sells Wellness Products. We have in-house experts, who provide the consultation over phone and we have tied up with the best brands in the wellness market and sell best of their products on LifeMojo.
How did you initially fund your organisation?
The investment came from our personal savings.
What according to you are the advantages a person can have by getting associated with Life Mojo?
You can get associated with LifeMojo and help us spread wellness. We have started an Affiliate Network. You can be a part of it too. Log on to our website to know more.
What difficulties did you face when you started?
None of the founders are from a healthcare background. It took us some time to know what people want and what is available in the market. So initially this slowed us down a bit, but on the positive side, we weren’t held back to experiment with the way Nutrition Consultation is being delivered. We got to start this service on phone and bring down the cost while delivering a higher quality of service and better weight loss results than anyone in the market.
What’s next? What are your future plans?
We have recently launched wellness products at our health shop on LifeMojo. We have already added 1000 plus products and the response from the user has been awesome so far.
What advice would you like to give to people who want to become an entrepreneur in a similar industry?
You will find a large number of people with a similar problem as yours. Start thinking about the solution you would love to use and pay for. I guess you would have your startup idea. Jump in and start making the solution.