Summit India is organising an event named “Aatmnirbhar Bharat ki Bhagedari” to honour the achievers in different fields. The event will be attended by various cabinet ministers, national award winners and other eminent personalities. Union Minister for Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Parshottam Rupala, will be the chief guest for this event. Along with him, ministers like Union minister of State for Ministry of Tribal Affairs Renuka Singh, Minister of State for Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Shripad Naik and Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Ashwini Kumar Choubey will be present. Chairperson of the All India Council for Technical Education Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe, will also be present in the event.
The event will be hosted by Summit India in association with All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), on 26th August, Friday at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi from 6:00 PM onwards.
Summit India claims itself as a registered trust managed by a group of veterans from various fields and chaired by Shyam Jaju (Indian politician and formerly the National Vice President, BJP). It uses five types of E to define the vision and mission of this trust. These Five Es are Endevour, Empower, Ensure, Expand and Environment.
There will also be a special cultural dance performance by Dr. Nalini Kamalini, Padamshree, who is a globally renowned Kathak dancer on the theme of – Tirange Ki Kahani, Nritya Ki Zubani. Summit India will also felicitate the national award for achievers from various field including- education, technology, medical sciences, entrepreneurship and others.
Mahesh Verma while definfing the core motive of Starting Summit India Said, “The Motive of Organising this event is not to appreciate the works of any political party or government but we are working to increase the awareness among people for the concept of Atmnirbhar Bharat. Five concepts which are core focuss of summit India are Development, Foundation, Management, Ecosystem and Trust”.
“Government works for people and country, while political parties work to promote themselves but Summit India works for the important issues in the country and lets people understand and get solution of them”, he added.
Summit India has previously organised virtual events in which “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – Education Summit 202” is prominent. That three days summit was held in Bengaluru from 10th to 12th January 2022 in Bengaluru. The show was solely focussed to discuss the National Education Policy (NEP) and its importance.
Various Categories Under Which Awards Will Be Given Are
Deshratan Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award
This is for people Capable of High performance, exceptional learning behaviour with general or specific Intellectual ability along with the certain qualities like purity of character, humility and devotion, love of humanity and depth of vision.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award
This award is to honour outstanding approach towards innovation and devotion along with the qualities of hard work, resilience and positive attitude.
Chanakya Award
This category is for people who have gained the excellence in skilling. This award recognises outstanding contributions to the society with the philosophy of people come first.
Vishwamitra Award
This award recognises the people with great determination and willingness to do positive things. Also, hailing the talent in the right direction at the right time in a friendly manner
Eklavya Award
This is for honouring exceptionally talented people with great determination and value knowledge
Kautilya Award
Recognition of spectacular model in economics and management keeping in mind the philosophy of people comes first.
Vachaspati Award
This award honours the paragons from the domain of medical science.
Varahagiri Award
This award recognises the commendable work in the field of science and technology.
Eduvisioner Award
This is to Honour visionary leaders who always use their energy to boost morale and motivate the team to continue working towards the future.
Edumaestro Award
This category Honours people with an enormous amount of skill and talent in any field.
Education Warrior
This award recognises the people who always fight for the right things.