The Vedic education system has been a source of inspiration to all educational systems of the world. Recently, BJP president Amit Shah inaugurated Patanjali Yogpeeth’s “Acharyakulam.” The education institute claims to synthesise modern and Vedic education and has paved the way for the country’s freedom from Macaulay’s system of education by offering an alternative.
Thomas Babington Macaulay was a British historian and played a major role in the introduction of English as the medium of instruction for education in India.
The holistic growth of students
Patanjali’s Yogpeeth aims to provide an alternative education system to the country which will ensure the holistic growth of students. In Vedic education, one’s personality was developed through self-realization and self-respect.
The ingredients, which our modern education system lacks, were the predominant facets of our ancient system. These relate to admission policies (upanayana), monitorial system, low teacher-pupil ratio, healthy teaching surroundings, free schooling and college education, sympathetic treatment, the role of punishment in discipline, regulation governing student life.
Indianising The Education System
Vedic education is the core foundation of India's culture & rich heritage. It will help maintain the discipline in the modern educational institutes and to create a cordial relation between teacher and student.
Students will be able to achieve a high ideal of perfect mastery over senses, in order to erect the ideal of truth, the idea of liberty, the ideal of equality and ideals of peace and unity.
“Acharyakulam” claims to combine Vedic education with English and modern concepts to enable its students to survive in a competitive environment. It will also play a significant role in Indianising the current system of education.
Education has been linked to employment, and because of this, students are losing their moral roots. The ultimate aim of modern education is to prepare the student for the world. Quoting the Rigveda, Education is something, which makes a man self-reliant and self-less.
Thus, the amalgamation of Vedic Education and modern education will not only help students to prepare for a better future but will also inculcate different social habits.