Despite the fact that ‘being fit and healthy’ is a new fitness trend, we know of a fitness brand that used to exist back in the 1900s and is still standing tall in order to help people achieve their fitness goals.
Established in India since 1930s, Talwalkars has become synonymous with fitness as it provides the best of the health to its customers since then. Despite being a legacy brand, Talwalkars has evolved with time in order to remain in the list of the finest health clubs in the country.
Talwalkars is a brand that has established itself firmly in the market, and has acquired a place in the Top Franchise 100 brands list to keep the brand legacy going on.
The Legacy of ‘Talwalkars’
In the year 1932, Mr. Vishnupant Talwalkar laid the foundation of Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited or Talwalkars in Mumbai, India. Today, Talwalkars has evolved to become one of the India’s largest chains of health centers with over 150 ultramodern gyms spanning 80 cities across the country and a growing customer base of more than 2 million people.
At Talwalkars, one could get the variety of services like gym, personal training, nutrition counselling, spa, yoga, zumba, aerobics, nuform and reduce, all of these in quite affordable prices.
Talwalkars comes with the affordability to the customers as well as to the franchise owners. Talwalkars provides leasing and financing options to help the franchise owners, hence giving them great help to establish their business.
Franchise Overview
The gym chain that started with one gym and struggled to open four in a year, has now become one of the fastest growing chains present in over 80 cities with over 150 health clubs. The Talwalkars Group has more than 2 lakh patrons in the country.
The company went public in 2010 and became Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited with 60, 50,000 equity shares of Rs 10, taking the number up to 77.44 crore. The face value was Rs 10 per equity share and the issue was Rs 123-128 per share.
While going public has been its biggest milestone, the brand turned to franchising for fast expansion and venturing into the southern markets, where it has solid reputation.
Franchise 100
The Franchising World, India’s no.1 franchising magazine, identifies the TOP 100 franchise brands and celebrates their achievements every year in its anniversary issue. The issue highlights the established Indian and big global brands that are increasing their positioning in India along with the new-age brands that are lucrative and profitable; expanding fast; and can act as a reference guide for budding entrepreneurs and investors across India.
Franchise Top 100 is the one-stop destination to know everything about the franchise industry, which establishes authority and strength to evaluate the growth of the franchise industry.