The Need of Distance Education in Education Business

The Need of Distance Education in Education Business

The Need of Distance Education in Education Business
The aim of the government to raise its current gross enrollment ratio to 30 percent by 2020 will also boost the growth of the distance education in India.


India has become the second largest market for e-learning after the US. The distance education market in India is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 34 per cent# during 2013-14 to 2017-18. Moreover, the aim of the government to raise its current gross enrolment ratio to 30 percent by 2020 will also boost the growth of the distance education in India.

At present, the higher education sector witnesses spending of over Rs 46,200 crore (US$ 6.93 billion), and it is expected to grow at an average annual rate of over 18 percent to reach Rs 232,500 crore (US$ 34.87 billion) in next 10 years.

Keeping the expected developments from the education sector and penetration of Distance education in the Indian subcontinent in mind, one still has a doubt unfolding in heart, here are a few listed benefits of distance education in India:

Time saver:

Distance education focuses only on education for those, who only wants to study and no other disturbances, which are carried on the regular colleges.

One gets an entire slot of 24 hours for studies or other work, instead of wasting time in making to and fro motions to college every day.

Moreover no late comings or missing first lectures due to torturous traffic jams for hours.

One can actually make time for other important stuff, which gets wasted in regular colleges such as roaming around, showing off bikes, fashion and unnecessary gossiping.

Money saver:

Distance education was initially aimed at students, who want to study but have poor economic status. All the study materials are available in reasonable price and the fee too is nominal.

It is economical and less time-consuming option for the students as they won’t have to pay for hostel or canteen, they can pursue their studies while being at home and also they can provide helping hand to the earning member of the family.

Continuation of a job:

‘A sincere heart finds out its own path, without compromising.’

More than any other benefits, this one according to me is the best one. One can pursue his or her job while continuing studies.

The sudden invasion of the computer in our life drew an invisible line between the two generations, which merely had a difference of age by a couple of years.

For them, the distance education, through which they could learn computers, helped them in preserving their jobs.

One can learn many skill development related courses while being on the job and also can improve their qualifications.

Education everywhere and anywhere:

We fall in a country, where there is a systematic flow of education if one wants to pursue a career in the particular field, even if he/ she is talented and capable enough to do without studying courses, which are no way related to his career.

This is where distance education comes into play, one can pick subjects which are relevant for his/her career and if one wants to rewrite the paper in order to acquire good marks, he/she gets a chance.

Education is one’s birthright, what one wants to learn should be his/her choice and distance education offers that choice to all.

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