Gurgaon’s popular tea destination brand The Tea Room Co. is set for expansion via franchise route across India. For this the company has tied up with Francorp, a part of Franchise India Group. The specialty café is a much needed break from the coffee shop culture that took over the nation by storm and offers an array of 21 different teas at any given time along with other savories and desserts.
“We had initiated the concept of a tea lounge with a view to improve the imagery of tea as a beverage and to make it more appealing to modern consumers. We are pleased to announce our expansion plans, through our franchise and retail model, across India and are optimistic to associate with Francorp to utilize their expertise in the expansion of our stores” quoted Ms Mridu Gupta, MD, The Tea Room Co.
Francorp will develop a comprehensive growth plan strategy for The Tea Room Co. dealing with economics and management of franchise network, guidelines for franchise operating systems and manuals, marketing guidelines and so on.
On the strategic alliance Mr Gaurav Marya, President, Franchise India, said, “This new concept of tea lounge and tea cafés has been gradually developing a tea drinking culture in our country. The Tea Room Co. offers a healthy alternative to tea lovers with a unique tea lounge concept. This demand provides perfect ingredients for a successful business concept.”